About Gumeracha Primary School

About Gumeracha

Gumeracha Primary School is a small school located in a semi-rural environment approx 40km from Adelaide. Our vision is to build a cohesive learning community of lifelong learners who have the capacity to contribute positively as citizens, and strive to achieve their personal best. We have approx. 80 students over 4 classes and aim to be inclusive all of needs.

The school motto, ‘Together we achieve’, reflects the highly valued parent involvement in school programs and the school’s involvement in community activities. The school’s values build on a commitment to achieve and include: To act with Integrity, Showing Respect for Self and Others, Displaying Courage and Resilience and Demonstrating Commitment and Responsibility.

Our curriculum priorities are literacy and numeracy, along with a focus on the development of reasoning skills starting with dialogue and high level questioning. We develop higher-order thinking strategies and Executive Function skills with students R to 7. Students are encouraged to participate in decision-making through classroom dialogue and through the School Leader positions.

We value hands on skills; handwriting, cutting, pasting, making etc before introducing students to digital tools for productivity.
The highly acclaimed Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program connects students to the natural environment and Japanese is our chosen Language Other than English (LOTE) and this is taught via an online link up to the Open Access College. Generalist music education is offered in classes, through involvement in the Torrens Valley Music Hub and by employing a specialist music teacher in the latter half of the school year.

STEM is taught as a specialist subject and encompasses many varying activities. Students have access to different ICT components including but not limited to our 3D printers, robots and laptops.